英文或數字,分大小寫(English or number,case-sensitive) |
出生年月日Date of Birth |
(無法輸入,請使用放大鏡選擇click to select the date) |
本國人或非本國人Nationality |
身分證字號ID Number |
真實姓名Full Name |
密碼Password |
電子郵件Email |
圖形確認碼Security Code |
- 曾經在此網站註冊過帳號者,5年內可重覆使用該帳號,不需另行註冊新帳號。
- 新註冊者,必需按「新增」後,並於10分鐘內輸入完成並按「存檔」。
- 報考【僑生及港澳生單招】之考生,請於真實姓名欄位內填入英文拼音(或同護照名稱)。
- 請務必填寫正確的真實姓名,報名時會直接帶入!
- 註冊登錄之帳號/密碼請自訂,帳號一定要以英文開頭且4~16 個字,如果已有人登錄該帳號請重新修改後再存檔。
- 密碼必須 8~16 個字元,且包含英文字母及數字。英文字母大小寫視為不同。
- 身分證字號務必要填寫(英文大寫),本國人請輸入自己的身份證字號,有關外國人身份證字號填報原則如下:
- 若持有居留證則填寫居留證證號,前1碼為英文字母,後9碼為阿拉伯數字,共計10碼。如有居留證號應以居留證號為優先。
- 若無居留證則依護照資料填寫,前8碼填上西元出生年月日,後2碼填寫所得人英文姓名欄前2個字母。例如ROBERT W.DAVISON出生日期JULY,12,1942則編碼應為「19420712RO」。
- 註冊成功後,需進行電子郵件確認才能登入。電子郵件務必填入永久使用且空間較大之帳號。
- The validity period of ENR account is 5 years from the account opening. A returning applicant with the valid account can enter directly the username and password, and then click the LOGIN button.
- If this is your first application, you need to click the APPENED button, enter your information in 10 minutes, and click the SAVE button.
- Applicants for 【Admission Application for Overseas Chinese Students】, please enter your English Name/ Characters in the blank of FULL NAME.
- Make sure you enter your full name to complete the application process.
- Restrict your own username to 4-16 characters starting with English.
The password must be in length of 8-16 characters and contains English characters and numbers. Capital letters and lower-case letters shall be differentiated.
- ID Number:
- For Taiwanese applicant: ID number
- For Foreign applicant: ARC number (If you have no ARC number, enter your ID number in the form of date of birth + the first two characters of your full name. For example: ROBERT W.DAVISON was born in JULY, 12, 1942, and his ID number is 19420712RO)
- You need to confirm the email to activate your account.